Enrol Online

We are delighted you have made the decision to choose St Patrick’s Silverstream

How to Enrol

International Student Enrolment

To view our International Student information area, please click on 'International Student Information below.  Alternatively, you can click on 'International Student Enrolment' to access information about the enrolment process and to obtain an application.

For any questions regarding International Enrolments please contact our International Director, Maria Tough at international@stream.school.nz.

Domestic Student Enrolment

All domestic student enrolments are to be completed online.

St Patrick's College Silverstream accepts students from Years 9 - 13. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our College does not have a  Special Needs Unit for students with High needs. If you wish to discuss your son's needs and what the school can provide, please contact our Head of Learning Support (wattersona@stream.school.nz) before completing your enrolment.

For Year 9 enrolments please read the information below under Key Enrolment dates. 

Enrolments are welcome throughout the year for Year 10 - 13 students, commencing during the current or future year.  

Limited Boarding places are available for 2025!

2025 Day Boy places full for all Year Levels - enquires welcome for waitlist 

Term dates 2025

  • Term 1: Wednesday 29 January to Friday 11 April
  • Term 2: Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June
  • Term 3: Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September
  • Term 4: Monday 6 October to Friday 5 December

Term dates 2026 

  • Term 1: Dates TBC
  • Term 2: Dates TBC
  • Term 3: Dates TBC
  • Term 4: Dates TBC

Academic Scholarships - Domestic Students

All preference students who have accepted a place for entry in Year 9 are invited to sit our Scholarship Examination.  For more information please contact Mrs Maria Tough Enrolments Officer at toughm@stream.school.nz.

Key Enrolment dates for students applying to commence in 2026

(Domestic Students)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Open Day - Thursday 22 May 2025  

OPEN DAY Presentation times: 9.00am to 10.30am or 1.00pm to 2.30pm in the College Chapel. Parents, Caregivers, and Students all attend.
​​​​​​​(Please note: you do not need to register for these times)

Try Boarding dates are in Term 1 2025    

Round 1:Monday 24 February|Tuesday 25 February |Thursday 27 February 2025 | 

Round 2:Monday 10 March | Tuesday 11 March | Thursday 13 March 2025 | 

Round 3:Monday 5 May | Tuesday 6 May| Thursday 8 May 2025 | 

Try Boarding - To secure a place please contact the Director of Boarding: deans@stream.school.nz

Enrolments for 2026 - Yr 9 to 13 

Boarding enrolments open 3 March 2025 for 2026 - acceptance letters will be issued earlier than day boys

Day Boy enrolments open 23 May 2025 for 2026

Closing date for 2026 Enrolments 

Friday 27 June 2025


2026 Enrolment acceptance letters sent

Friday  11 April 2025 - BOARDERS - these offers of enrolment must be confirmed by 2 May 2025 

Friday 8 August 2025 - DAY BOYS and late enrolments for boarding - these offers of enrolment must be confirmed by Friday 22 August 2025​​​​​​​


The College is intended primarily for Catholic boys from Years 9 - 13. In terms of the Integration Agreement signed between the College and the Crown, a certain percentage of the total roll must consist of “Preference” pupils. Normally, a “Preference” pupil will be a baptised Catholic.

If you are in doubt as to whether your son qualifies as a “Preference” pupil please consult Maria Tough. If you are applying for a place as a “Preference” pupil you are required to submit a Preference Certificate with your Application.

A small percentage of the total roll may be “Non-Preference” pupils. Places are given to such pupils on the basis of availability. “Non-Preference” pupils are expected to take a full part in all aspects of College life and have the same opportunities and responsibilities as the “Preference” pupils.

The Criteria Promulgated by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference, which are to be used by Proprietors and their Agents, in order to Grant Preference of Enrolment are:

5.1. The child has been baptised or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church

5.2. The child’s parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of its siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.

5.3. At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic, and although their child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.

5.4. With the agreement of the child’s parent/guardian, a significant familial adult such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle who is actively involved in the child’s upbringing undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church.

5.5. One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents/guardians is preparing to become a Catholic.

Boarding Enrolments

What a task it is to form a man. How difficult is it. How much patience is required. But is there anything greater?

Fr Jean-Claude Colin, Founder of the Society of Mary

When a family decides to send their son boarding they join an exclusive community within St Patrick's College. With guidance and clear boundaries from the boarding school staff we aim to foster an inclusive and safe environment. With support and tuition we encourage boys to reach their academic potential and strive for excellence.

Redwood House is more than a physical space. Lifelong friendships are born, a solid work ethic is nurtured, teamwork is fostered and leadership is promoted.

We want boarders of Redwood House to leave prepared for the challenges of the real world and to look back at their experience at school with fondness.

The role of parents and families remain central to a student’s development and we actively encourage families to visit and participate in the sporting, cultural and spiritual activities of our boarding students which are integral to the special character of St Patrick's College Silverstream.

Boarding in Redwood House allows flexibility for families. Boys can stay in throughout the school week or for the entire week/weekend. A variety of Boarding Scholarships are also available so please enquire about these.

For further information and enquiries contact:

Mr Sam Dean
Director of Boarding
021 024 38665

“Try Boarding evenings” are available. This is free of charge and it is an opportunity for boys to familiarise themselves with the Boarding School and to meet other prospective boarders.