
The Board is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for the school’s performance.

St Patrick's College Silverstream School Board

The board emphasises strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school and ensures that it complies with legal and policy requirements.

Policies are at a governance level and outline clear delegations to the Rector. The Board and Rector form the leadership team with the role of each documented and understood. The Rector reports to the Board as a whole, with committees used sparingly and only when a need is identified in order to contribute to board work. The Board is proactive rather than reactive in its operations and decision making and does not involve itself in the administrative details of the day to day running of the College. Enhancing student achievement is its focus.

The Rector attends all Board and Committee meetings and the Rector’s Personal Assistant acts as Secretary to the St Patrick's College Silverstream School Board and Silverstream Board of Proprietors.

Susan Holloway

Presiding Member | Proprietors Appointee 

I am Susan Holloway, a Board of Trustees representative for the Board of Proprietors.

I provide a Finance and HR focus from the commercial role I have at Resene Paints in Naenae,  was appointed Board Chair of the School Board in 2024 and attend both the Board of Proprietors Meetings and the School Board Meetings.

I have one son at St Patrick's and my family and I are keen football supporters of the St Patrick's team and Upper Hutt.

Members of the School Board are:


An important part of a Board’s role is self-review. As part of this process, we welcome your feedback on our Charter, Strategic Plan, our Goals, Policies, and on any aspect of our governance and leadership.

If you wish to bring matters to our attention, we invite you to email the Board Secretary,, who will forward your email to the Presiding Member and the wider Board as necessary.

Board Meeting Schedule

St Patrick’s College Silverstream School Board meets regularly. These meetings are not public meetings, however, they are 'open to the public'. That means that even if you're not a board member you are welcome to attend as an observer. 

​We value all feedback this assists the Board in reviewing the operations of the College so that we improve the way we operate to better support student progress and achievement.

For details on the next Board meeting date or to obtain a copy of board minutes please contact the Board Secretary​​​​​​​

Silverstream Board of Proprietors

The Silverstream Board of Proprietors' responsibility is for the Boarding School, the grounds, most of the buildings on campus and for the Catholic Character of the College.

Parents who have experience in accounting, legal and building areas are warmly invited to apply in writing to the Rector or Board Secretary if they would like to sit on this Board. Because of the responsibility the Board has for the Catholic Character of the College, it is required that all members of the Board should be Catholic.

In addition to its other responsibilities, the Silverstream Board of Proprietors also plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting the school's long-term property vision.

Members of Silverstream Board of Proprietors are:

Annual Reports

ERO Report