Medical Information

Please contact the School Office for more information

In the case of regular administration of some medicines, eg asthma, the student may be independent and able to manage their own medicine administration. You need to notify us in writing if that is the case.

For other medication, the school will take every care to ensure the student receives the prescribed medicine. However, we cannot guarantee that this will happen and will not accept responsibility for doses missed or wrongly administered.

It is not always convenient or possible for classroom teachers to administer medicine so this task will be completed by a nominated administration staff member or teacher aide.

Medicine must be sent to school in the original container with the pharmacy name, medication, and dosage frequency details.

A record will be kept of all doses administered at the school.

Any changes in dosage or frequency must be notified to the school in writing.

The school reserves the right to decline or discontinue administering medicine to any student at any time. Parents will be advised first in the likelihood of this decision being made.

Office Phone +64 4 939 4224                             Office email: 

Student Illness or Injury

In the event of a student becoming ill or receiving a minor injury during the school day, the student will be sent to the College Office, along with another student.

We ask students to check in with the Office before they contact their parents.

The office receptionist will appraise the seriousness of the student’s illness erring on the side of caution. Possible actions are:

  • Refer the student to the Office / First Aid trained staff member
  • Monitor the student for a short period of time at the College office area and administer medication (if allowed paracetamol)
  • Contact the student’s parent/caregiver or emergency contact and advise them of the situation, if required.
  • The Director of Boarding will be contacted for Boarders.

This process must be followed so we can keep track of all student attendance during school hours